Timothy Dickens
Partner – Asia
About Timothy Dickens
International Arbitration Team and the Europe and Africa desks. Timothy Dickens has been an attorney since 2005 and has worked in South Africa and London prior to moving to Seoul.
Tim was appointed by the Korean Ministry of Justice as a counselor to advise and support Korean SME’s doing international trade in 2014, a position which he currently still holds.
Tim primarily specialises in litigation, dispute resolution, international arbitration, and cross-border transactions. Tim’s International arbitration team was shortlisted for Korea’s International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year Award by Asian Legal Business for the last four years (2016-2019).
Tim regularly advises foreign companies looking to do business in Korean and also advises Korean companies looking at outbound investment. Tim regularly is asked by KOTRA, KITRA and the Korean African Foundation as a guest speaker to cover issues as regards to investment into Africa.
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