The Strategists


Innovation is the strategic fuel for maintaining an organisation's relevance.

Companies are called to create an awareness, culture and context for innovation. This means that companies need to empower their teams and build the required skills, knowledge and insights to operate and innovate.

What We Do

We’re the masterminds behind revolutionising companies into dynamic powerhouses. We help companies build innovation functions, which include:

  • Policy and Governance: Developing clear policies, governance structures and frameworks to guide your innovation journey.
  • Empowering through Education: Offering innovation training and masterclasses to equip your team with the necessary skills and mindset.
  • Challenges and Hackathons: Orchestrating in-house innovation challenges and hackathons to stimulate creativity and practical problem-solving.
  • Continuous Evaluation: Implementing systems for monitoring and evaluating your innovation initiatives, ensuring they align with and propel your strategic goals.
  • Culturally Embedded Innovation: We help embed innovation into the very fabric of your company, making it a natural part of your DNA.
  • Strategic Alignment: Ensuring a seamless alignment between your strategic objectives and innovation efforts for cohesive, impactful growth.
  • Building Innovation Capacity: Cultivating a culture and capability for innovation that positions you at the forefront of your industry.

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Dubai, India, London, Mauritius, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, USA

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